torek, september 14, 2004

Slovene Avant Garde comes to Seattle in November

From 18 to 24 November, Seattle will be hosting a cultural festival called “State of Art: The New Slovene Avant Garde.”

On the schedule is a film festival with more than 20 films; readings from the brand-new first-ever English translation of
Vladimir Bartol’s Slovene classic Alamut (published by Scala); an exhibit of works by Neue Slowenische Kunst; and a performance by Laibach. There will also be workshops, panels, receptions and other side events.

The festival is being sponsored by the Slovene Film Fund and the University of Washington. The website isn’t up yet, but it will be at soon.

High hopes for Cleveland Slovenes

Slovenia’s new consul general in Cleveland, Marcel Koprol, has set for himself the goal of breathing new life into the local Slovene community [Cleveland Plain Dealer / 05.09.04 / Strengthening pride of Cleveland Slovenes is man's labor of love].

There are between 60,000 and 80,000 ethnic Slovenes in the Cleveland area, making it the largest Slovene community outside of the country itself. Though polkas remain popular and there are numerous cultural institutions which are still active, the vitality of the community today is nowhere near what it once was.