petek, julij 30, 2004

Two new dailies on the way

Despite problems with financers, a new daily newspaper called SlovenijaEkspress is slated for launch early next year. The paper is a project of journalist Marko Crnkovič. For now, the investors secured are: Austrian firm Styria, which also owns all or part of the daily Dnevnik and the free weekly Žurnal; DZS; Crnkovič himself; and business man Jurij Schollmayer [Finance / 4.7.04 / New Slovenian Paper Will Go Ahead, Says Crnkovič].

Starting up the new paper is expected to cost between eight and nine million euros, according to Styria [Finance / 5.7.04 /
SlovenijaEkspres Will Cost About Nine Million Euros].

Crnkovič made a name for himself in Slovene journalism through columns in
Delo’s weekly Sobotna Priloga , and as the final editor-in-chief of the magazine Razgledov. Most recently, he was a columnist for Finance.

Meantime, plans for turning the regional paper Primorske Novice, which currently publishes three times a week, into a daily is moving ahead at full steam. It was announced on 11 July that Hit will invest in the paper, as will Interuropa. The daily Dnevnik, which owns a 12 percent share of the paper, is planning a law suit to block any moves towards making Primorske Novice a daily.

Nevertheless, Primorske Novice has announced it will move to a daily publication schedule on 27 September [Finance / 11.07.04 /
V Primorske novice bo vstopil tudi Hit, Finance / 13.07.04 / V Primorske novice poleg Hita tudi Intereuropa, Finance / 13.07.04 / Konkurenca o novem dnevniku, Finance / 14.07.04 / Casnika Delo in Slovenske novice lahko pricakujeta nove tekmece].

For now, Slovenia has six daily newspapers: Slovenske Novice, Delo, Večer, Dnevnik, Ekipa and Finance.